Heat Pumps and Your Home

Heat Pumps Unlock Cheaper Heating and Cooling

Reducing climate pollution from Canada’s building sector will require a big switch from fossil fuels to clean electricity. That means a significant increase in highly efficient heat pumps to heat and cool people’s homes.

The good news is that heat pumps are the cheapest way to do so in most cases. New research from the Canadian Climate Institute shows that heat pumps are less costly than gas and air conditioning in most cases in Canada. 

The report — Heat Pumps Pay Off: Unlocking lower cost heating and cooling in Canada — provides a detailed picture of heating and cooling costs. It compares different heat pump configurations against gas furnaces and air conditioning. The analysis looks at different building types and ages in cities across Canada.

Key Summary:

  • Heat pumps are already the lowest-cost option in two-thirds of all cases modelled under mid-range assumptions for capital and energy costs.

  • The all-electric scenario — a standard heat pump with electric backup — tends to be the lowest-cost option available

  • Regional energy prices and climate conditions are the biggest drivers of cost-competitiveness differences. 

  • Gas and air conditioning or heat pumps with gas backup tend to be the most cost-competitive options in Edmonton, depending on building type and age.

To accompany the report, the Canadian Climate Institute has also launched an online calculator comparing the different costs of heating and cooling systems in the five cities from the report. The online calculator gives people the ability to adjust assumptions to fit their circumstances and get a better understanding of average costs in their city or region. The tool also reports the associated climate pollution from each heating and cooling option. 

It can be hard to understand how these devices work in a cold winter.

Whereas gas boilers burn gas to produce heat, heat pumps do something more complicated. Sometimes described as working like a “fridge in reverse”, they use a mixture of evaporation and condensation to transfer heat from outside to inside a building.

Here is a great interactive resource from the UK which looks more closely at an air source heat pump and explains how they work:

Towards Zero-Waste

We are thrilled to announce that our waste diversion rate for the FIS Alberta World Cup 2024 at the Nordic Centre was 83.8%.

The Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley partnered with the organizers of this internationally attended event to create and implement a waste management plan. THANK YOU! to our dedicated team of passionate Green Team volunteers; we educated attendees and sorted waste into recycling, compost and general waste streams. 

Air Filter Dream Team!

Thank you to Hal, Karen, Jess and Darcy for leading the DIY Air Filter Workshop at this month's Earth Talk at the Canmore Public Library. We had a full room of 12 fabulous community members who built and took home their own homemade air filters.

Thank you to Canadian Tire Canmore Alberta for supporting this event, the Canmore Public Library for hosting, and the Bow Valley Clean Air Society for partnering!

Check out our fabulous community members in action here.

Climate Action Incentives!

This year, the Town of Canmore is proud to offer five incentive programs to help residents and businesses reduce energy and fuel costs while reducing our community’s environmental impact.

Two of the programs, the E-Bike Discount and the Home Upgrades Program, are specifically targeted at members of the Affordable Services Program to reduce barriers to Canmore residents with the highest financial need. 

  • Solar Incentive Program - Apply by 4 pm on April 5, 2024

An annual incentive to help offset the cost of a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system for Canmore residents and now businesses and multi-family residences!  

  • The residential incentive is $1,250 for systems installed over 3 kW in size. There are 20 incentives available, and successful applicants will be selected by lottery.

  • The commercial incentive is based on the system size offering $750/kW to a maximum of $20,000. Successful applicants will be selected by lottery, with funding secured based on the proposed size.

  • Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP)

An innovative financing tool for property owners to reduce GHG emissions by investing in energy-efficient and renewable energy upgrades without an upfront cost.

CEIP provides a low-interest financing option for loans related to energy efficiency upgrades. You then make repayments through your annual property tax bills. CEIP repayment is tied to the property, not the property owner. If the home is sold, the new owner assumes responsibility for repayment while also enjoying the energy savings and other benefits of the upgrade(s).  

  • Home Upgrades Program (for Affordable Services Program Participants Only)

The Home Upgrades Program installs energy-efficient upgrades based on the unique needs of eligible homes and may include the installation of a high-efficiency furnace, new insulation, or air sealing. Upgrades are chosen based on their ability to help lower-income households save energy and money.

  • E-Bike Discount (for Affordable Service Program Participants Only) - APPLY TODAY!

The Affordable Services Program will offer the discount to residents at two tiers; a 67% discount will be available for Tier 1 ASP members and 35% for Tier 2 members. Based on demand, there may be a lottery to determine the recipients. 

  • Electric Vehicle Readiness Research Pilot

For existing and under-construction multi-family buildings to make resident parking stalls Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready. The incentive is 75% of the total cost to a maximum of $1,500 per stall for new construction and $3,000 per stall for existing buildings. The maximum per building and/or recipient is $20,000. This program is focused on the electrical infrastructure to supply power to a future charger. Successful applicants will be selected by lottery.

Upcoming Events!

Mar 11, 2024 - Wildfire Smoke and Your Health Workshop 

Learn the best ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of wildfire smoke. 

Join the Calgary Regional Airshed Zones' expert speakers will discuss the health risks associated with exposure to smoke, offer practical tips for staying safe, and answer any questions you may have.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and receive up-to-date information to safeguard your health during wildfire season. Sign up now to secure your spot!

Presentations include:

Reducing the risk of wildfire in Banff National Park by Alexandria Jones, Banff National Park Fire Communications Officer |Parks Canada All-Hazards Information Officer, Parks Canada

FireSmart Canada by Laura Stewart, FireSmart Specialist, FireSmart Canada Provincial Liaison      Wildfire Management Branch, Forestry Division, Ministry of Forestry, Parks and Tourism

Wildfire Smoke and Health by Jiayun Angela Yao, PhD, Senior Scientist | Climate Preparedness and Adaptation, BCCDC, Adjunct Professor | School of Population and Public Health, UBC

Preparing for a Changing Climate: Implementing Emergency Response Plans for Extreme Heat and Wildfire Smoke in Canmore by Caitlin Miller, MPS, Protective Services Manager/ Director of Emergency ManagementTown of Canmore

Calgary Region Airshed Zone Air Quality Monitoring by Mandeep Dhaliwal, Air Quality Program Manager, Calgary Region Airshed Zone

Monitoring Wildfire Smoke with PurpleAir Monitors by Darcy Coombs, Director of the Bow Valley Clean Air Society

This is a free event, but you'll need to register here.

MAR 18 - Earth Talks

How Do My Food Scraps Become Compost in the Bow Valley?

Join us with Shannon Ripley, Professional Agrologist, at the Canmore Public Library for her presentation "How Do My Food Scraps Become Compost in the Bow Valley?"

This Earth Talks event, in partnership with the Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley, will take place on Monday, March 18th, in the Friends Program Room at 7:00 pm.

Attendees will learn about:

  • The journey food scraps take from when you collect them at home, work or school to when they become finished compost that is applied to agricultural fields;

  • Why separate food scraps for composting?

  • The fascinating role of the ‘soil superheroes’ (microorganisms) that carry out the decomposition process

  • This Earth Talks is in partnership with the Canmore Museum who have a current exhibit titled, "Soil Superheroes"!

May 4 - 5, 2024 - Save the Date!

The Bow Valley's Sustainable Transportation Showcase!

The Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley is hosting the Bow Valley's first Clean Commute Expo on May 4 (Canmore) and May 5 (Banff), 2024. The Expo will showcase a variety of battery-electric vehicles and alternative low-carbon transportation options, provide informative presentations throughout the day and host a wide range of exhibitors, including local businesses and community organizations.

This event is based on the highly successful Electric Vehicle Expo hosted by the Biosphere Institute in May 2022. Over 1,000 visitors attended this showcase and connected with experts and enthusiasts in the electric vehicle industry.

We are currently seeking participants for this year's Expo!

  1. If you have an electric-powered or hybrid car, bike, scooter or motorbike that you would be willing to showcase as part of this event, find out more and note your interest here: Owner Registrations - Clean Commute Expo 2024

  2. If you are interested in sponsoring this event, find out more and note your interest here: Sponsorship - Clean Commute Expo 2024

  3. If you are interested in hosting a booth at this event, find out more and note your interest here: Booth - Clean Commute Expo 2024

June 1, 2024 - Save the Date!

The Green Buildings Open House returns for 2024!

Are you a homeowner in the Bow Valley who would like to showcase and share your efforts in high-performance or sustainable building design, construction, or homeowner practices?

We are currently seeking participants for this year's Green Buildings Open House!

To sign up as a homeowner to be showcased, click here: https://su.vc/shhqpgkd

If you are a local company or organisation interested in sponsoring this event, please email jodi@biosphereinstitute.org to request a sponsorship package!