The Biosphere Institute is a registered non-profit charity - and we’ll issue a tax receipt for your donation of any amount!
Your support makes a big difference in our community-based efforts to promote human-wildlife coexistence and local action on climate change. Thank you for considering this!

There are several ways you can support us financially:

1.    You can make a one time or monthly donation using the form below.  We are a registered non-profit charity - and we’ll issue a tax receipt for your donation of any amount!  If you would like to make a donation of greater than $500, please Email Gareth to discuss the best way to make your contribution. Thank you!

2.    You can use SkipTheDepot to start donating your bottles directly to us!  More information at the bottom of this webpage.

3.    Remember us in your will to create a longer lasting legacy - please click here for more information.

Looking for other ways to help us out? We want your bottles! Use SkipTheDepot to start donating your bottles directly to us! You won't even have to leave the house. Download the app and select Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley upon refund.


Click the image to sign up for SkipTheDepot today!