Clean Commute Expo
On May 4 and 5, 2024, the Biosphere Institute hosted Bow Valley’s first Clean Commute Expo. The Expo showcased a variety of full battery-electric vehicles and alternative low-carbon transportation options, provide informative presentations throughout the day and host a wide range of exhibitors, including local businesses and community organizations.
The Expo was be held at Elevation Place, Canmore, on Saturday, May 4, and at the Fenlands Recreation Centre, Banff, on Sunday, May 5.
Accelerating climate action
We’re accelerating climate action in all sectors of the Bow Valley communities (Lake Louise to Morley) by convening key players in a collective impact process to create synergies and efficiencies, share resources, and empower residents and visitors to reduce emissions.
Geoexchange technology in the Bow Valley
Geoexchange is an important renewable energy technology that uses groundwater to provide both heating and cooling in multi-family buildings. This approach was pioneered in the Bow Valley by Frank Kernick, owner of Spring Creek developments – and further researched by students at the University of Calgary to better understand how this technology might be applied, taking into account the area’s geological setting, climate conditions, and building layouts
Solar on Condos in the Bow Valley
There are both environmental and economic reasons to install solar panels. Our planet is heating up; the climate crisis insists that we make the transition to lower carbon, renewable forms of energy. The majority of electrons generated in Alberta come from the burning of natural gas, a carbon intensive fossil fuel. In the words of one pundit: ‘Electrify Everything Now.’ Further, Canmore has a great solar resource, with an estimated 312 sunny days per year.
We are working with a group of dedicated Canmore residents to support this process.
community generation
In partnership with Bow Valley Green Energy Co-operative, we’re installing a 26kW solar system to act as a community generation demonstration project in the heart of Calgary, with an associated education campaign on renewable energy and community generation to further enable the adoption of renewables.
Waste from Construction, Renovation, and Demolition is a big deal. It makes up over a quarter of Alberta’s total waste. Worst of all, much of this waste could be reused or recycled, but if it is not sorted and separated on-site, it just goes to landfills.
The Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley partnered with the Bow Valley Regional Waste Commission, Bow Valley Builders and Developers Association and Cleansweep Waste Removal to develop new ways to separate waste on construction sites.
SOIL Conservation and management on construction sites
It is important to improve soil conservation and management during community development in the Bow Valley. A project led by Alexander Diaz and the Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley in collaboration with local municipalities and other organizations, explored and reported on best practises for promoting the reuse of soil materials locally, focusing on topsoil, subsoil, and managing contaminated soil.
Electric Vehicle Awareness
In 2022, we encouraged Bow Valley residents to replace their gas cars with electric vehicles by reducing perceived barriers. We busted electric vehicle myths, created inspiring videos, hosted Canmore’s first Electric Vehicle Expo, ran a 14-day electric vehicle test drive event with Plug’n Drive, and facilitated a 5-part educational webinar series.
We evaluated all of these initiatives and found that after our educational efforts, people were more likely to purchase an electric vehicle.
Canmore Folk Festival Green Team Coordinator
In the summer of 2022, we began our partnership with the Canmore Folk Festival to promote environmental awareness and divert as much waste as possible from the landfill.
With the help of volunteers and staff, we educated the public on how to recycle and compost properly, kept the festival grounds clean and managed all waste through out the 3 day festival.
Because of our efforts and all the people supporting us we were able to divert 89.1% of waste from entering the landfill. This number grew to a 91.2% diversion rate the following year, at the 2023 Canmore Folk Fest.
© Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
solar in the bow valley
Is Canmore sunny enough for solar? How efficient are solar panels? How long will it take to pay back a residential solar array? This project — designed in partnership with Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative — answers these questions and helps you understand the environmental, social, and economic benefits of solar energy.
bow valley green energy
In partnership with KCP Energy and the Alberta Community and Co-operative Association, in 2019 the Biosphere Institute evaluated the feasibility of creating a community-owned solar installation in Canmore.
As a direct result of this feasibility study, the Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative was created with the vision of making renewable energy affordable and accessible in the Bow Valley.
Do environmental education programs really work? In collaboration with local stakeholders, we developed novel education programs on renewable energy, deep-energy retrofits, green building, and financing. We then assessed whether these programs had a measurable impact on participants’ awareness, knowledge, and behaviour.
The Biosphere Institute organizes interactive workshops that bring together municipal and provincial government representatives, industry experts and diverse community members. Past workshop participants have learned the process for installing rooftop solar panels, painted and set up rain barrels, and made indoor worm composters.