Bear Report - November 3, 2022

Did you know that WildSmart is a program of the Biosphere Institute, a local charity? Our work relies entirely on donations and sponsors. If you would like to support our community-based efforts to promote human-wildlife coexistence, please donate!

The information below is based upon a compilation of bear information provided by government agencies and unconfirmed sightings reported by the public over the last week. It is not intended to be used as a real-time, complete record of where bears are in the valley.

BEAR ACTIVITY SUMMARY (Oct.27-Nov.3, 2022)

(Banff National Park East Gate to Bow Valley Provincial Park)

It was another quiet week for bear sightings in the Bow Valley even though they are still out on the landscape. According to GPS collar data, some female grizzly bears have moved up to higher elevations in denning territory and they will likely remain at or near their den sites. That being said, there are non-collared bears still out and about searching for last minute calories. Remote camera and collar data have shown that some males like to stay out on the landscape into mid-December.

With this in mind, it is important that we don’t become complacent when heading out on the trails and that we are mentally prepared for possible encounters with wildlife! Remember to carry bear spray in an easily accessible location (not in your backpack), know how to use it and use it if required. Bear spray should be carried year-round and is also effective against other wildlife such as cougars, wolves, coyotes and elk that are all active year-round. It should also be carried along well-traveled trails in and around town.

It was not a quiet week for bears in SW Calgary as four bears were recently euthanized after accessing gabage throughout the community of Discovery Ridge for the past four weeks. This is yet another example of bears getting into trouble because of human garbage. As per the Fish and Wildlife officers involved, euthanizing the bears was in accordance with the black bear response guide. Several factors lead to the decision to euthanize a bear rather than taking other options, such as relocating it. The black bear response guide is available online here for the public to read.

Bears are opportunistic feeders and will eat anything that is available to them, so please make sure your yard is free of all potential attractants that bears and other wildlife might try to eat! These attractants include fruit (both on trees and on the ground), pumpkins, pet food, bird feeders, garbage and greasy barbecues.


Elk rutting season is winding down but numerous elk continue to be seen all throughout town which means you have to be alert and you may have to choose an alternate route while out for a walk/run/ride. Give elk lots of space, at least 30m or 3 school bus lengths, and never try to sneak past them. Never get between a male elk and the female elk and keep pets on a leash.


Elk have recently been seen in town along the busy roads. With the snow on the ground and slippery conditions, remember to drive carefully, obey speed limits, and scan for wildlife that may be feeding or lingering roadside. Photo taken on Nov.2, 2022 by Brenda McFarlane.


You can also submit your report using the Report-A-Poacher Online form or contact your local district Fish and Wildlife office.


Every time you head out on the trails you need to be vigilant and mentally prepared for possible encounters with wildlife! It is also safer to hike, bike, run, or ski in a group. Make lots of noise when out on the trails, and avoid recreating at dusk, dawn or at night which is when cougars and other wildlife are most active. Be aware of your surroundings by periodically checking behind you to make sure there are no animals following you and by not wearing earbuds/headphones, which will limit your ability to hear approaching wildlife.

Even though the bears have or will enter their dens soon, there are still many species that do not hibernate (i.e. cougars, wolves, coyotes, deer and elk) that you need to be aware of and prepared to encounter while out on the trails.

A cougar family caught on camera at this time of year in 2020. Photo courtesy of Alberta Environment and Parks.

While at the 6th International Human-Bear Conflict Workshop in South Lake Tahoe last month, we heard some great presentations about the many Human-Sloth Bear conflicts happening in India. The video below shows not only how unaware of their surroundings sloth bears are, but also how aggressively they react as soon as they recognize a threat. This sloth bear did not even realize that a tiger was right behind it! This character trait is one of the reasons why humans and sloth bears are having so much conflict in India. The sloth bears are often surprised by humans and they react aggressively resulting in conflict. A strategy to reduce this conflict would be for the humans to be more aware of their surroundings and to make lots of noise to alert the sloth bears to their presence.



If you have not already done so, please dispose of your pumpkins properly and do not leave them outside, inviting them to get smashed up by pranksters or eaten by wildlife. In Canmore, pumpkins should be disposed of in the bear-proof Community Food Waste Containers. Remember to remove candles and other non organic decorations!


Please dispose of your pumpkins properly. DO NOT leave them out in your yard!


It is hunting season! Please be aware of your surroundings and stay clear of dead animals. Hunters should always carry and use bear spray as the first line of defense, even if they are carrying a gun.


Bears and humans have a lot in common, including teeth. We share teeth because we share similar diets. Wildlife Ambassador Derek is back to look at the teeth of a bear, and see what they tell us.


Biosphere Institute Celebrates 25 Years!

Square dancing in action from last Friday! Photo by Coral Lukaniuk.

This year, Biosphere Institute is celebrating a HUGE milestone - 25 Years! We celebrated with a Gala and Square Dance at the Cornerstone Theatre last week, thanks in part to sponsorship from Lafarge Canada. Our work to accelerate climate action, support human-wildlife coexistence, and educate future leaders has never been more important. Many thanks to all those who attended the event and to those who generoulsy donated items for our silent auction! Here's to the next 25 years!

Click on the button below to check out a collection of photos from the Gala and Square Dance Event! Many thanks go to Wildlife Ambassador Coral Lukaniuk for her amazing photos.


Beers & Networking event!

We look forward to seeing you in one week on Nov.10 from 5-7:30pm at the Canmore Brewing Company!

As part of the Bow Valley Immigration Partnership’s Bow Valley Community Week (which runs from Nov.7-13), the Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley invites anyone who is interested in the environment, taking action on climate change or improving human-wildlife coexistence to come along and connect with like-minded people. Beer and pizza will be available for purchase at this event.

Canmore Brewing Company is located at 1460 Railway Ave, Canmore. Click here for a map.

You don’t need to register - drop in between 5PM-7:30PM. We look forward to seeing you there!



Report any sightings of a bear, cougar, wolf or any aggressive wildlife in Kananaskis Country or the Bow Valley to Kananaskis Emergency Services at 403.591.7755