Did you know that WildSmart is a program of the Biosphere Institute, a local charity? Our work relies entirely on donations and sponsors. If you would like to support our community-based efforts to promote human-wildlife coexistence, please donate!
The information below is based upon a compilation of bear information provided by government agencies and unconfirmed sightings reported by the public over the last week. It is not intended to be used as a real-time, complete record of where bears are in the valley.
BEAR ACTIVITY SUMMARY (May 26-June 3, 2022)
(Banff National Park East Gate to Bow Valley Provincial Park)
Aggressive mother elk are in the headlines this week but don’t forget about the bears as there continue to be sightings of both grizzly and black bears on both sides of the Bow Valley and down in K-Country. Make lots of noise (yell, shout) to let wildlife know you are coming down the trail to avoid surprise encounters with wildlife and give them time to move off of the trail. People should always be prepared to encounter bears throughout the Bow and Kananskis Valleys. If you know of or have heard of bear activity in a given area, please consider recreating elsewhere!
Grizzly bears seen down in K-Country on May 25, 2022.
Elk continue calving in and around Canmore and are very protective of their young. There continue to be multiple reports of aggressive mother elk charging at and even making contact with people throughout the Town of Canmore. These incidents are occurring on both sides of the valley along trails, in backyards, parks, playgrounds, school yards and near green spaces. During elk calving season a mother elk will aggressively protect her calf by kicking and charging at you if she feels threatened. People need to stay well away from any elk to prevent a physical confrontation with them. Stay out of closed areas and it is best to avoid areas with elk warnings.
There have also been recent reports of bears in Canmore looking for elk calves. During May and June there is an increased risk of encountering predators such as bears, cougars, wolves and coyotes who are looking for an easy elk calf meal. This poses more public safety risks and often results on predators getting relocated or destroyed.
Cow elk with her calf.
There continue to be reports of urban elk calves that have been placed near developed areas by their mothers. Please report urban elk calves to KES immediately by calling 403-591-7755. Do not get involved yourself or attempt to approach or move them as the mother elk is likely nearby and will aggressively protect her calf by kicking and charging at you if she feels threatened.
You can also submit your report using the Report-A-Poacher Online form or contact your local district Fish and Wildlife office.
Bears are quite food stressed due to the late spring. GIVE THEM SPACE so they can feed undisturbed! These days, they will often be found feeding on green grass and dandelions along roads, highways and trails. Roadside vegetation is some of the first to green up at this time of the year and fulfills important habitat needs for these animals. This results in a higher risk for vehicle collisions with wildlife. Remember to obey speed limits and slow down when passing wildlife but don’t stop and always stay in your vehicle!
Photo by Candice Clarke
Kananaskis Conservation Pass: Another reminder that all vehicles stopping in Kananaskis Country and provincial sites in the Bow Valley Corridor will need to purchase a Kananaskis Conservation Pass.
Wildlife Ambassador Karen is back with some important reminders about Elk Calving season!
Watch a mother bear teach her cubs how to climb a tree.
Grizzly bear hunting elk calves in Canmore.
Read about how snow at higher elevations is keeping bears in valley bottoms.
Watch this short video showing a grizzly bear chasing wild horses in Alberta.
Read this article about a mother moose chasing away a grizzly bear in Glacier National Park. This grizzly had killed one of her two calves the night before and was coming back for the second calf. Here is some video footage that shows just how protective these mothers are!
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey by June 13, to help us develop our targeted climate education program. You’ll be entered to win a Biosphere goody bag! Click on the image below to take the survey!
The provincial government has requested feedback from the public on their Proposed Terms of Reference for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the gondola project proposed by Silvertip.
We support good science, and feel this project deserves the best possible EIA. Those interested in sending their comments must submit their letter by Monday, June 13 to the Director of Environmental Assessment, Regulatory Assurance, Alberta Environment and Parks.
After a 3-year hiatus, Trails Fest is returning with an important theme: PLAN BETTER!
There has been an explosion of outdoor recreation in Kananaskis Country in the last several years. Many folks getting out to hike, mountain bike, scramble, trail run, bikepack or backpack are new to these activities, or new to doing them in our area. This event will enable folks of all experience levels to learn from outdoor recreation professionals and experts.
WildSmart and our amazing Volunteer Wildlife Ambassadors will be there to chat with folks about wildlife safety and responsible use of the trails. We will also be offering bear spray demonstrations with inert bear spray throughout the day. Come try it out for yourself!
The festival will focus on planning your adventures, considering what to know, what to carry, what to wear and even what to eat to make sure your day is fabulous. No matter how you recreate in the wilderness, you’ll get something out of this day!
Join the Town of Banff and Parks Canada in this FREE interactive Bear Aware session that will have you learning how to be safe in bear country. The 60 minute in-person session will be led by two Parks Canada wildlife specialists and includes a presentation on how to identify different types of bears, common bear behaviours and tools and tips to prevent bear encounters. June 8 from 7-8pm at The Fendlands in Banff. REGISTER HERE!
The Eco Solar Home Tour is an annual tour showcasing energy efficient homes. 2022 is Canmore’s inaugural year! The tour will give you an opportunity to talk with homeowners and hear about their experiences with the latest energy-efficient technologies.
There are 7 locations in Canmore, featuring solar panels, geothermal energy, passive home design principles, e-bikes, electric vehicles, and more…
To see the details and descriptions of all the homes, visit https://ecosolar.ca/
Report any sightings of a bear, cougar, wolf or any aggressive wildlife in Kananaskis Country or the Bow Valley to Kananaskis Emergency Services at 403.591.7755