(Banff National Park East Gate to Bow Valley Provincial Park) For the period: May 8 to May 15, 2020
The information below is based upon a compilation of bear information provided by government agencies and unconfirmed sightings reported by the public over the last week. It is not intended to be used as a real-time, complete record of where bears are in the valley.
This past week there have been several more black bear sightings around town on both sides of the valley and in the MD of Bighorn hamlets. Several female bears (grizzly and black) with cubs have been seen moving around the landscape looking for food. Make sure to give these mothers and their young lots of space as these mother bears are particularly protective of their young cubs.
We are getting into elk calving season (May-June) which can be a high-risk time of year for potential negative encounters with wildlife. People need to be extra vigilant of mother elk that will be hiding their calves in dense vegetation near parks, fields and trails. Mother elk can become very defensive and will aggressively protect their calves by kicking and charging at you if they feel threatened. The presence of newborn calves can also attract predators such as bears, cougars, wolves and coyotes into town who are looking for an easy meal. This increases the chance that people visiting these areas may encounter predators who are either feeding on or searching for calves. Carry bear spray, keep your pets on a leash and leave at least 30 metres of space between yourself and all elk! For more info about handling elk encounters click here.
Giving wildlife space does not just mean actively keeping your physical distance from wildlife, it also involves the things you can do (at home, on the trails and roadside) to keep wildlife WILD and away from humans and residential areas where they can get into trouble.
Here are some ways you can give wildlife space and be more responsible this weekend:
At home:
Keep your yard free of wildlife attractants such as garbage, recycling, bird feeders, pet food and fruit bearing trees and shrubs. A black bear recently got into a bird feeder, another reminder to take down your bird feeders and clean up the ground underneath! Bears that gain access to these food sources can lose their natural fear of people, which increases the possibility of human-wildlife conflict. These bears can cause injury to people and pets and destroy property, resulting in bears being relocated or destroyed. To refresh your memory, here is an article from this time last year that illustrates the consequences for bears when you allow attractants to accumulate in your yard.
For those who are not aware, the Town of Canmore has a Wildlife Attractant Bylaw that only allows bird feeders to be hung from December 1 to March 31. Residents can be fined for having wildlife attractants accumulate to the point that they attract dangerous wildlife to their yards. Click here for more information and to download a copy of the bylaw.
On the trail:
Make lots of noise to alert animals of your presence! This is even more important for trail runners and mountain bikers who move quickly along the trails. Use your voice by yelling to let wildlife know you are coming down the trail, giving them a better chance of getting out of the way, especially around blind corners, at the tops of hills, or in areas with thick vegetation and poor sight lines.
Be aware of your surroundings and look and listen for signs of wildlife such as scat and tracks. Do not wear earbuds/headphones on the trails as they may prevent you from hearing animals and their warning signs.
Stay out of closed areas and trails!
Pack out what you pack in and leave no trace behind when you are out on the trails. That includes food waste, garbage, diapers, toilet paper and human waste! All of these things have a scent and may attract wildlife which increases the potential for human-wildlife conflicts. Even though the trails are open, many facilities including toilets are not. Bring hand sanitizer, toilet paper, gloves and extra garbage bags as it is YOUR responsibility to clean up after yourself. Do your part to keep the parks clean and safe for everyone, including wildlife!
Keep your pets on a leash! There was a recent report of an off-leash dog chasing a black bear, and several reports of off-leash dogs chasing joggers, bikers and hikers. People need to mindful about the consequences of their actions and off-leash dogs don't just pose a risk to wildlife, they put themselves, their owners and others nearby at risk too! Ginger, one of our four-legged Wildlife Ambassadors would like to pass on these simple tips to dog owners:
At this time of year many wildlife have young with them so please drive with extra caution and slow down when passing by animals along the side of the road! Watch this video showing the importance of slowing down and giving wildlife space roadside.
If you must stop on roadways to view wildlife, make sure it is done in a safe manner. Take your picture from a distance and move on. Do not linger at the location and NEVER exit your vehicle to take a picture. NEVER feed wildlife or encourage wildlife to come closer to your vehicle.
Did you know that WildSmart is a program of the Biosphere Institute, a local charity? Our work relies entirely on donations and sponsors. If you would like to support our community-based efforts to promote human-wildlife coexistence, please donate!
Effective May 1, Alberta’s Provincial Parks are open to vehicle access, however many facilities in provincial parks including toilets, playgrounds, and picnic shelters remain closed at this time. Users are reminded to pack out their garbage to avoid human-wildlife conflicts, to practice physical distancing and avoid gatherings. A complete list of all warnings and closures is available here for Alberta Parks in the Bow Valley and Kananaskis Country.
Parks Canada’s Parks are closed to vehicle access until further notice. A complete list of all warnings and closures is available here for Banff National Park.
Here is a list of some Annual Closures in Kananaskis Country.
For more information on areas in the Bow Valley frequented by bears at this time of year visit our human-bear conflict summary map.
We are beyond excited to release 19 new human-wildlife and climate change lesson plans FOR FREE here, with more to come! These educational resources were made possible with the generous support from our partners: W. Garfield Weston Foundation, Employment and Social Development Canada, Banff Canmore Community Foundation, NSERC / CRSNG, Lake Louise Ski Resort and TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Report any sightings of a bear, cougar, wolf or any aggressive wildlife in Kananaskis Country or the Bow Valley to Kananaskis Emergency Services at 403.591.7755