Bear Report - April 24, 2020

Did you know that WildSmart is a program of the Biosphere Institute, a local charity? Our work relies entirely on donations and sponsors. If you would like to support our community-based efforts to promote human-wildlife coexistence, please donate!

(Banff National Park East Gate to Bow Valley Provincial Park)
For the period: April 17 to April 24, 2020


Wildlife activity has increased in the past week with reports of a cougar, a black bear, wolves and lots of elk seen in the vicinity of Canmore! Both species of bears have also been seen out and about in areas beyond the Bow Valley to the east.

There have been several reports of wildlife walking along roads and trails that are normally used heavily by humans, but are now closed to public vehicle access. A reminder that if you are accessing these areas by foot or bicycle that you need to be prepared for possible encounters with wildlife such as wolves, bears, cougars, coyotes and bighorn sheep. These animals are all taking advantage of the peace and quiet and may be surprised by your presence.


Fresh grizzly bear track from this morning in the Spray Region. Photo by AEP


You can greatly reduce the risk of close encounters with wildlife by:

  • Make lots of noise in order to alert humans AND wildlife to your presence.

  • GIVE THEM SPACE! Physical distancing is important for humans AND wildlife!

  • Look and listen for signs of wildlife and do not wear earbuds/headphones.

  • KEEP DOGS ON-LEASH unless you are in a designated off-leash dog area.

  • Give wildlife space by NOT entering closed areas!

  • Carry bear spray in an easily accessible location and be prepared to use it!

  • Ensure that all attractants such as food, garbage, recycling, bird feeders, pets, pet food and greasy bbq’s are secure and not accessible by wildlife at home and out on the trails. Bears are especially hungry at this time of year and always searching for food so please do not draw them into residential areas by providing them with any sort of a meal.


Alberta’s Provincial Parks are closed to vehicle access until further notice. A complete list of all warnings and closures is available here for Alberta Parks in the Bow Valley and Kananaskis Country.

Parks Canada’s Parks are closed to vehicle access until further notice. A complete list of all warnings and closures is available here for Banff National Park.

Here is a list of some Annual Closures in Kananaskis Country.


  1. It is great to hear that The Boss, the dominant male grizzly bear in the Bow Valley, (aka No.122) is looking healthy and moving around. Find out more in this recent article.

  2. The International Wildlife Film Festival is being presented as a virtual event this year. They are hosting a HUGE selection of films for free on their website. You can view them here and if you are in a position to do so, consider supporting the filmmakers by making a donation!


Report any sightings of a bear, cougar, wolf or any aggressive wildlife in Kananaskis Country or the Bow Valley to Kananaskis Emergency Services at 403.591.7755