Did you know that WildSmart is a program of the Biosphere Institute, a local charity? Our work relies entirely on donations and sponsors. If you would like to support our community-based efforts to promote human-wildlife coexistence, please donate!
The information below is based upon a compilation of bear information provided by government agencies and unconfirmed sightings reported by the public over the last week. It is not intended to be used as a real-time, complete record of where bears are in the valley.
BEAR ACTIVITY UPDATE (Oct.12-19, 2023)
(Banff National Park East Gate to Bow Valley Provincial Park)
Bear activity in the Bow Valley remains high as bears are actively searching for food to pack on those extra few pounds before heading into their dens for the winter. This is no time to be complacent on the trails! People need to remain vigilant and mentally prepared for possible encounters as bears and other wildlife are still very active.
REMOVE/SECURE ATTRACTANTS: If you don't want a bear in your yard or to get it relocated or destroyed, make sure you don't provide it with a meal! Please remove or secure all attractants such as fruit (on trees and on the ground), PUMPKINS, bird feeders, unsecured garbage, greasy bbq's and pet food. YOU can help keep yourself, the bears and your neighbourhood safe. Removing/securing food sources could save a bear's life!
Do not leave garbage on the ground next to bins if they are full! In Canmore, call 403.678.1580 if you see a bin that needs to be emptied. In Banff, if the bins are full call 403.762.1240 or report it online at banff.ca/action.
SLOW DOWN: A black bear was killed on the TCH just east of Canmore on Monday Oct.16! Motorists need to slow down when passing wildlife roadside, obey speed limits and be extra alert (especially at dawn and dusk) as the days are getting shorter and the number of darkness hours are increasing.
Big grizzly bear tracks out on the landscape last weekend to the west of Water Valley! Photo courtesy of Dena.
Elk continue to be seen and heard bugling along trails and in wide open fields such as school yards and playing fields around town, which means you may have to choose an alternate route while out for a walk/run/ride. Male elk are particularly protective of any female elk they are with, and there continue to be reports of large rutting bull elk showing aggression towards people getting too close. Give plenty of space to ALL ELK (at least 30 metres or 3 bus lengths), never try to sneak past them, never get between a male elk and the female elk and keep pets on a leash.
Large herds of elk hanging out along the busy river trails in Canmore.
Bow hunting season is now open in the Bow Valley. Due to the nature of the activity, hunters need to be cautious as they are intentionally quiet on the landscape. If you are recreating, please remain alert of your surroundings, avoid dead animals and always carry bear spray. Everyone, including hunters, should remain aware of their surroundings and also be prepared with bear spray and know how to use it!
Bear Warning: Northwest of Canmore on both sides of the Bow River near Larch Island due to carnivores feeding on a carcass in the area.
You can also submit your report using the Report-A-Poacher Online form or contact your local district Fish and Wildlife office.
Are you concerned about the fact that bears continue to be relcocated and destroyed after being drawn into town by people allowing fruit to accumulate on their trees? Do you think it would be a real shame if Banff’s most famous grizzly bear, ‘The Boss’, was killed for feeding in fruit trees?
If so, please help the Town of Canmore shape their Human-Wildlife Coexistence Implementation and Action Plan! You have a voice in shaping the actions they take.
Living in the Bow Valley means we need to take extra care to keep wildlife alive and our human communities safe.
They are seeking to understand barriers, gaps, and opportunities to make our community safer for humans and wildlife.
Help the Town understand how they can make it easier to take actions that support human-wildlife coexistence. Take their short and anonymous survey until Oct. 31, 2023 by clicking below!
Wildlife Ambassador Derek is back to talk about bear’s fur and how it keeps them warm and dry.
In case you have not seen them yet, our amazing Volunteer Wildlife Ambassadors have been heading out onto trails and trailheads to talk to people about responsible trail use and staying safe while recreating in bear country. Note: the locations they go to may change at the last minute.
Saturday, October 21 - Troll Falls Trail
Keep an eye out for the Wildlife Ambassadors next time you are out on the trails in the Bow Valley and K-Country and be sure to say hi and have a chat with them!
Black bear relocated out of Canmore neighbourhood.
Female grizzly bear carving out living in human-dominated landscape.
Conservationists fearful of what Three Sisters developments mean for wildlife.
Alberta mountain towns work to coexist with bears: ‘a huge change from 10 or 15 years ago’.
EDITORIAL: Tragedy strikes and Bow Valley's somber relationship with bears.
Grizzly bears wandering in B.C. cities reflect 'kind of a weird year' for wildlife biologist.
Watch this video as a bear breaks into Connecticut home and raids fridge.
Unsettling video shows person sitting beside Whistler bear eating takeout.
The Elk Valley in B.C. has become a death trap for young grizzly bears.
Bear sightings continue in Discovery Ridge despite new waste bin rules.
After all the bears that have been relocated and euthanized from Canmore over the past month, it is a bit concerning to see so many pumpkins sitting outside on doorsteps throughout town! Please be proactive and remember to keep pumpkins inside of windows and NOT outside on your doorstep. Pumpkins are a wildlife attractant to all sorts of animals, not just bears, and we all need to do our best to avoid attracting wildlife into residential areas. Here are some reasons why you should not keep your pumpkins outside on your doorstep. You might think that your pumpkin is safe on a balcony, far off the ground, but bears are very good climbers. Check out this video of an ingenious bear climbing up onto a balcony.
Images from Town of Banff Facebook Page.
In the Bow Valley, we have the privilege of sharing the landscape with bears, elk, cougars, wolves and small critters, too! Let’s do our part to make sure they remain our respected neighbours for generations to come. That starts with education…
Last week, a Canmore resident successfully depoloyed bear spray to ward off a bear that was under five metres away. When living in and visiting the Bow Valley, knowing how and when to use bear spray is an important skill to have. In case of those surprise encounters, people should be able to deploy their bear spray in under 3 seconds!
When heading out on the trails, we all need to: Check bear warnings and closures before you head out, plan to travel in a group, make lots of noise, leave pets at home if you are not able to keep them on a leash, always be aware of your surroundings (don’t wear earbuds and headphones), and if you see fresh signs of bears (i.e. scat, tracks), consider turning around to give the bears space.
We recently delivered wildlife safety and bear spray training to the Grade 7-9 Outdoor Ed. classes at École Nôtre Dame des Monts. Not only did they learn how to use bear spray, they also got to experience first-hand how difficult it can be for wildlife like bears and elk to navigate safely through our busy valley without getting into trouble. These students are now better prepared with the knowledge and awareness to stay safe outdoors. Do YOU feel prepared?
Students at École Nôtre Dame des Monts trying out some inert bear spray!
Oct.20 - Reusable Cup Survey deadline
Our friends at Habitus Collective have launched this reusable cup survey! Submit your input on reusable programs in Banff whether you live or visit here! The survey will remain open until October 20th and those who complete the survey can enter their email address for a $100 restaurant gift card!
Nov.17 - Biosphere Institute's 2nd Annual Do-Si-Do Square Dance Fundraiser
In honour of our 26th birthday, the Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley is hosting our second annual Community Square Dance Fundraiser including a silent auction at the Cornerstone Theatre on Friday, November 17, 2023, at 7 pm! Last year was an absolute blast, and we look forward to another year of boot-stompin' fun with you all!
All are welcome! Dance the night away to an incredible live band and so much laughing your belly will hurt the next day. All funds raised will go to supporting the Biosphere Institute's programs.
Report any sightings of a bear, cougar, wolf or any aggressive wildlife in Kananaskis Country or the Bow Valley to Kananaskis Emergency Services at 403.591.7755